Monday, December 19, 2011


As the project has come to a close, I am happy to say I am proud of the work we have accomplished as a team. As an individual, I had a large number of tasks for this particular short film. Firstly, for the month or so we were filming I rented out the equipment we used from the IMM cage every two days. Next, I supplied the rest of the production equipment (camera, tripod, microphones, etc) and often transported this equipment to and from the shoot. At each shoot I did most of the camera work including the glidecam tracking shots, as well as other cinematography work (lighting, continuity, shutter speed, aperture setting, focus pull, etc). For some shots I directed the actors as well as staging some action sequences. In terms of post production, I edited most of the narrative timeline for the video, and then would replace each special effects shot as it was made available to me. I also did most of the audio for the project with the help of Steve, as well as the color correction. Lastly, the title sequence was created entirely by me with the exception of the small figure in the title shot, which Kyle created in Photoshop.

With regard to my work as the cinematographer, some shots bother me in terms of overall grainy quality, and for the next project I would most likely rent a lighting kit with the knowledge I have now. In addition, some of the continuity of the film is flawed, however considering we shot over the course of several weeks they are not major. The biggest issue with continuity was the misplacement of props used by the group and then the fact that we did not have these props for certain shots again (ie: hat, gun). Overall I am very pleased with the final product and look forward to showing it in class.

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