Monday, December 12, 2011

IMM Video Final Proposal/Plot Synopsis

The first idea that our group decided on was an action/parkour/free running video. Most of these videos however rarely have a plot line or even dialogue, and we knew a plot line was an essential element we wanted. This idea then transformed into the idea for a chase scene, but once again something was missing, a plot. What was the motive for one person chasing the other? Then the idea transformed again into a pizza delivery boy witnessing a murder, and then, as the only witness, fleeing from the scene to escape the enemy. Therefore the chase and basic story was born. However, we felt another element was missing...sci fi was the go to solution. It was decided to use only one actor as the bad guy and rather than having thugs help him chase down the sole witness, why not clone the bad guy? But why was the enemy cloned and why was he killing a certain person? To this, I had an idea. My concept revolved around a basic idea that would allow enough story to leak through while still leaving a fair amount of plot up to the viewers. I propped the enemy kills a man who has some sort of vial full of DNA or some sort of liquid, presumably what the clones came from and perhaps need to survive. Then, after the movie is over and credits roll, have the clone return for this precious vial. After a few more shots to help incorporate this idea, the story stuck and I proposed the title be "witness."

(As a side note, the sequence for the film title looked slightly boring as just white text reading "witness," so I suggested that the figure of a man be added to replace the "i" in witness and the shot was completed)

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