Friday, October 21, 2011

Midterm Shot 8

Final original shot, left the aperture open to get more light in but I had to use a preset for this technique so it didn't come out as nicely as I would have liked.

Edited shot, brought up the purples and blues as well as the brightness setting

Midterm Shot 7

Original shot, pretty good composition and lighting overall. Hardest part was picking the right time of day to take the actual picture.

Edited shot. Desaturation for dramatic look, some color correction and brightness adjustments.

Midterm Shot 6

Original shot, camera shadow, equipment in the shot. Strange vignetting from the fisheye lens

Edited out camera shadow, brightened and color corrected the shot. Added desaturation and took away some vignetting 

Midterm Shot 5

Original shot, camera equipment/shadowing in the shot.

Edited shot, removed camera equipment with selections and color corrected...also added motion blur to the wheel.

Midterm Shot 4

Original, focus on centered depth of field.

Color correction and brightness adjustments, background of shot could have been picked better.

Midterm Shot 3


Color correction and some brightness adjustments, also focusing on the board with low angle shots.

Midterm Shot 2

Original Shot, taken with the white balance at the wrong setting, a mistake on my part.

After some color correction and more desaturation I achieved a much more dramatic and balanced shot.

Midterm Shot 1

Before color correction. 

After color correction, focus on depth of field.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Pictures 6, 7, and 8 of Narrative

Continuing the narrative, more removal of unwanted shadows/camera equipment. Lots of desaturation and work on the shorts.

Favorite picture of the set. As the end of the narrative draws near we see the sun is lower in the sky. I waited for the sun to be in the right spot between the trees  and messed around with where the sun  glare should be situated in the shot. More desaturation and a little color correction as well.

The final shot of the narrative, the rider is done for the day sitting out watching the day turn to night. Slow shutter speed as well as some color correction for this shot. Moved the colors toward the blue/purple hue for a dramatic look.

Shots 3, 4 and 5 of Narrative

 Outside now, the story continues. Showing the rider looking down a hill, the focus of the movie remaining on the board rather than the nameless and faceless rider Some color correction and desaturation again.
Sharp depth of field, trying to show motion forward down the hill. Added some brightness to the shot.

The rider continues forward. Added some motion blur to the wheel as well as removing a fair amount of unwanted shadows of myself and camera equipment (tripod/camera/etc.)

First two shots of my narrative

 Initial shot in my dorm. I focused on getting the correct lighting for the depth of field to look clear. After minimal color correction I desaturated the image to give a more dramatic look.

This shot was taken outside the dorm, trying to show progression of the story. The white balance was initially off but I corrected it in Photoshop, as well as desaturating the image again.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Tree and Car Recolor

The first picture lacked a good overall exposure. I tried using HDR and exposure settings to improve the shot.

Mona Lisa Recolor

The original picture was very underexposed and off color. The Photoshopped picture showed much improvement in the overall image.